Review count: 26
- Benton's Chocolate Melts
- Benton's Peanut Butter Cookie Melts
- Cheetos Δρακουλινια Γεύση Τυρί και Ντομάτα
- Chocofreta Ion
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch Creamy Cinnamon Spread
- Cocoa Krispies Cereal Straws (2024)
- Froot Loops Cereal Straws (2023)
- Haitoglou Halva Bar with Cocoa
- Haitoglou Sesame Snack
- Ion Break Milk Chocolate
- Ion Break Milk Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts
- Ion Milk Chocolate
- Ion Milk Chocolate with Hazelnuts
- Jumbo Country Chips Black Pepper & Salt
- Jumbo Snacks Classic Γαριδακια Με Τυρι
- Lay's Oregano
- Papadopoulos Biscuits Petit-Beurre
- Παυλίδη Σοκολάτα Υγείας
- Ruffles Ρίγανη
- Serenata Twin Milk
- Toggi Fine European Chocolate Wafers
- Toggi Wafers Dark Chocolate
- Toggi Wafers Peanut Butter
- Trader Joe's Organic Marbled Halvah Cocoa + Vanilla
- Tsakiris MIΣA Half & Half Oregano
- Wellaby's Cheese Ups
All the flavors

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